Making The Air Safe To Share

Blisk® has designed and developed a series of patent-pending pathogen killing systems (please see above) based upon proven UVC effectiveness and published scientific data. 

Blisk® products are designed to kill Covid19 in under a tiny fraction of a second, and thousands of other pathogens in under 3 seconds, while the air is under our control in the KC Zone.

Blisk patent pending air flow design and kill chamber ensures optimal pathogen timed exposure to blocked UVC light through its patent pending LB Vent.

The Blisk® patent is designed to control and regulate the airflow in the kill chamber and exchange the air quickly while people share a room, board a train, share a bus ride, a train ride, are in the same space, even patients is in the operating room are better protected through the Blisk Infection Prevention system. 

Blisk® robust CFM air flow will refresh a room in under 30 seconds.

Blisk® air chamber kill zone, special internal reflective coating and UVC bulb wattage combined, produce huge megadose of UVC light that will permanently destroy 99.99% of all air borne pathogens in under 4 seconds.

Blisk® air sterilization products address Covid-19 as well as all future pandemics and in fighting pathogens that might be released intentionally.

Blisk has designed and developed a series of patent-pending pathogen killing systems (please see above) based upon proven UVC effectiveness and published scientific data. 

Blisk products are designed to kill Covid19 in under a tiny fraction of a second, and thousands of other pathogens in under 3 seconds, while the air is under our control in the KC Zone.

Blisk patent pending air flow design and kill chamber ensures optimal pathogen timed exposure to blocked UVC light through its patent pending LB Vent.

The Blisk patent is designed to control and regulate the airflow in the kill chamber and exchange the air quickly while people share a room, board a train, share a bus ride, a train ride, are in the same space, even patients is in the operating room are better protected through the Blisk Infection Prevention system. 

Blisk robust CFM air flow will refresh a room in under 30 seconds.

Blisk air chamber kill zone, special internal reflective coating and UVC bulb wattage combined, produce huge megadose of UVC light that will permanently destroy 99.99% of all air borne pathogens in under 4 seconds.

Blisk air sterilization products address Covid-19 as well as all future pandemics and in fighting pathogens that might be released intentionally.