Why Blisk®?

Blisk® Corp Makes Air Sterilization Simple

Blisk Corp Makes Air Sterilization Simple

The Blisk Formula For Successful Sterile Outcomes

Every system or process with a quantifiable outcome has inter-related parts that depend on one another to all work together at the same time in order to generate a desired result. In algebra, the equation is:

A2 x B2 = C2

Clearly this means that ‘A’ and ‘B’ work together – at the same time – to deliver ‘C’. If something changes with either ‘A’ or ‘B’ then ‘C’ changes as well.

FLUENCE is the mathematical expression of how UVC light works together with distance and duration to achieve a quantifiable pathogen kill rate. It takes the guess work, opinions, and salesmanship out of it.

According to FLUENCE – it does. Either way, you need to know the truth: specifically, how the manufacturer answers that question. Otherwise how do you know the solution actually works – outside the lab – where you need it to kill 99.99% of airborne pathogens 20-feet away?

• Do you want to get to the truth? So you can rest assured that you know the solution you’re considering actually does what they say it will do in YOUR environment? Ask them to answer the question above. Most likely, they cannot – or will not – answer it. Then you’ll know the truth.

Blisk manages the entire FLUENCE equation throughout the operational process. What we accomplish in the lab, we accomplish in real-life wherever you need it. We take in the air, process the pathogen-laden air through the UVC Kill Zone, and send purified, clean air out back into the room.

To simplify…
the equation
looks something
like this:

blisk formula

This continuous
and real-time process
ensures total FLUENCE
is taking place every
second killing 99.95%
of every airborne
pathogen in the
room, regardless of
when it was introduced
or where it resides
in the air.

Why is this important to you? Because this takes the parameters of what is required to achieve the lab results and applies them to real-life – your world. For example:

• What if the lab parameter required to achieve 99.99% effective kill rate used a ‘pathogen-to-light source’ of 8.7-inches?
And now, you want to know what happens when an airborne pathogen sits 20-feet away from the light source in a patient room, a subway car, or classroom. Will the power of the light source or the duration of time the pathogen sits in front of the light need to increase?

And we do it up to 18-times per hour, (based on an average sized room of 350sq.ft.

Blisk manages the entire FLUENCE equation throughout the operational process. What we accomplish in the lab, we accomplish in real-life wherever you need it. We take in the air, process the pathogen-laden air through the UVC Kill Zone, and send purified, clean air out back into the room. This continuous and real-time process ensures total FLUENCE is taking place every second killing 99.95% of every airborne pathogen in the room, regardless of when it was introduced or where it resides in the air. And we do it up to 18-times per hour in an average-sized room with, 350sq. ft. and a ceiling up to 9 feet.

blisk air sterilization

Air Flow in the Blisk Wedge

Air Change Rates
A second fundamental of Blisk’s intelligent design is something called Air Change Rate or ACR. Hospitals understand this concept well as their operating room’s air sterilization is based on it. They typically achieve complete room air change 22 times per hour. The HVAC ventilation systems required to achieve those fast rates are very substantial and expensive as they have 6 to 8 times more intake vents than do patient rooms and these HVAC systems requires more power in order to ventilate the air in and out this fast. Yet surgery site infections still happen.

Contrary to other air solutions such as UVC and Bipolar Ionization, our system is not passive: it actively and completely changes the air in the room at up to 30-times per hour – that’s faster than an operating room! Far-UVC and Bipolar systems either shine light or submit ionized O2 into the air and wait for them to do the work.

If the light source power is too low to kill pathogens further than 8.7-inches away, or the pathogen sits out of sight, or the concentration of ionized air is not sufficient to achieve the 99.99% claims they achieved in the labs, then what do you do?

And what does your patient or student, or commuter do while waiting the 25* to 60**-minutes for those solutions to fully kill the pathogens?

Would you want your child or loved one in that room inhaling potentially bad air while they wait for all pathogens to be killed?

Blisk’s Wedge air sterilization technology utilizes an active design to clear the room of airborne pathogens – just like hospital operating rooms do. We don’t wait passively to achieve FLUENCE, the Blisk air sterilizers clean the air at 99.95% as fast as 18 times per hour (average room size 350sq ft.), thereby limiting the time our loved ones would inhale even the most recent airborne pathogens introduced into the air we share.

blisk effects
*Buonanno, M., Welch, D., Shuryak, I. David J. Brenner, et al. Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses. Sci Rep 10, 10285 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67211-2

**Business Insider.com; Bipolar ionization Could Be a Secret Weapon Against COVID-19; April 8, 2020; Melanie Haiken

**https://www.plasma-air.com/resources/9 Plasma Air website.
Influenza A Reduction