The Blisk® Advantage

Making The Air Safe To Share

With a Blisk® Air Sterilizer working in your establishment, or government agency, your common air becomes safe to share. 

Here is a list of the other Blisk® Advantages: 

1.  Scientifically designed and computer controlled robust plug and play air sterilizer machines.
2.  Safe air to share 24/7.
3.  Angled toward the infection source.
4.  Tested to a 99.95% efficacy. Test targeted pathogens ranging from viruses, bacteria, fungi to the toughest to kill – MRSA.
5.  Testing completed 05/06/2021).
6.  A oneyear money back guarantee.
7.  Self-monitored App maintenance system via WiFi custom APP for installations.
8.  Maintenance monitoring and part replacement notifications.
9.  Site Installation and maintenance could be performed by your company or our contracted area specialists.
10. Blisk® will provide an in-depth site inspection. 

The unique XT-1
from BLISK® is a designed
to interact with people at the
angle they are most frequently
as they 
stand. The XT-1 is a special
“engineering pearl” that comes along
at a light bulb moment. It’s tactical angle
of air movement is truly worth studying. Its
essential is patent pending. Two 10” fans move
the air in a pro-active manner as its sucked into our
KC Zone at a rate of 850CFM. A custom designed
computer card with the 
logic controls the entire process.
It tells the owner when its time to change the bulbs,
or if any other condition is detected to be risky. The unit will shut
itself off if accidentally opened while in operation with a watchful eye
on the pathogen killing process and the time the air is under our control.
The XT-1 is also equipped with a WiFi mo
dule designed to communicate
remotely and alert either your or the contracted maintenance crew.

Below, you can see the XT-1 hanging. It’s unique angle will make it fit snugly into
a corner where it will function 24/7 and deliver a constant air flow, 99.99% free of pathogens.
The XT-1 will fit into most businesses and be appreciated.


Air Sterilization and
Ventilation With UVC

Property Type

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