The Blisk® Difference

Making The Air Safe To Share

The list of differences between our products and that of our competition is long.

To summarize: When others sell based on a low price it’s “boiled down” to ethics and morals. To these sellers, the act of moving a brightly printed box which contains a device that cost them a few dollars and which they can sell to a trusting and unsuspecting public for hundreds of dollars is all that matters.

Blisk® Corp adheres to the basic laws of science in designing and building all of our devices. Having the lowest priced item in the market is never a consideration. We believe that all our Air Sterilizers have a fair price and for what they provide there is nothing that can compete.

That’s the underlying Blisk® Difference.

The second most important difference is how our devices are scaled. We designed them to function at the greatest air exchange speeds by room size. We also designed them to deliver the same deadly punch everyday as they do on day one!


Air Sterilization and
Ventilation With UVC

Property Type

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